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Panic Cure: How to Get Instant Relief from Panic Attacks

If you are in the middle of a panic attack or you feel you have one coming on, what you want is an instant panic cure. At that time you don't want long term remedies, counselling, relaxation therapies, etc. You want an immediate solution and now.

In order to get a panic cure, the vast majority of people rely on over the counter or prescribed medications such as Valium in order to bring relief to the horrible experience of a panic attack. But, do you really want to go down the road of drug dependency. Once you start relying on drugs to relieve the symptoms of an anxiety attack or panic attack, you may find it hard to get off them.

There is a very natural way for providing an immediate panic cure, and here it is.

Whenever you get the signs that a panic attack is coming on or extreme anxiety is developing, press on the nerve that sits directly between your eyebrows for a few seconds and press quite hard, hard enough to feel that you are touching the nerve.

This is very simple but the reasoning behind it's effectiveness is that the nerve running between your eyes is part of the autonomic nervous system and by pressing on it initiates a calming effect on the heart rate and speed of your breathing.

As you will know, panic attacks are almost always preceded by rapid heart ate and excessive breathing which creates a cyclic pattern of effect resulting in increased anxiety levels.

This works for me and many other people I know.

For a complete panic cure system I highly recommend that you check out panic cure